Friday, January 25, 2008

Keeping Safe Around The Water

Lots of families go swimming during the summer to find relief from the heat, especially since their air conditioners may not work, but one thing that a lot of people are not fortunate enough to have is a swimming pool in their backyard. Many people would be grateful just to be able to afford to go to the community pool, since most of these places require an entry fee, but if you have your own pool, you really do feel on top of the world. There are a lot of safety rules that you should follow if you are lucky enough to have your own pool, though, and we are here to tell you what they are.

Children are the victims of most pool-related accidents, so you need to make every attempt to make the pool area as childproof as possible. This means making sure that you factor in the cost of building a fence around the pool to keep not only your children, but other children that live in your neighborhood safe, as well. Unfortunately, you are liable if a child from the neighborhood falls into your pool and drowns. This is the last thing that anyone wants to happen, so building a high privacy fence around the pool and keeping the gate locked at all times is extremely important.

Another good thing to have in your home if you have small children is an item called the Safety Turtle. This is one of the best products that you can purchase for your home and it will give you a lot of security when it comes to keeping your little ones out of the pool. A wrist strap is put on the child that has a small turtle-shaped device on it and when that device is submerged under water, the base station that is hooked up inside your house makes a loud noise so that no matter where you are in the house, you know that the child has likely fallen into the pool.

Your children and any visitors to the home need to be taught that it is not a good idea to run around the pool. They can fall, hit their head, and drown much faster than you realize.

Any pool chemicals that you have should be stored in a safe place and locked up so children and pets cannot get into them. These items are poisonous and if ingested, could kill you.